Wati is the ultimate WhatsApp management tool for your business.

By providing the following key features, Wati enables your team to:

  • Connect with customers in real-time without sharing devices or switching tools
  • Access 2 Billion+ WhatsApp users
  • Send broadcasts via WhatsApp to targeted customers
  • Manage concurrent customer messages with a unified inbox
  • Get data-driven insights

Please keep in mind that the APIs described in this doc complement the use of the Wati user interface.

The WATI navigation bar contains the following tabs:

  • Dashboard: displays real-time statistical information.
  • Broadcast: schedule, trigger and monitor broadcast template messages.
  • Contacts: list of contacts and contact management (add, remove, update existing contacts).
  • Team Inbox: collaboration on chats.
  • Automation: Set up some keywords for a bot to auto-reply, and set up some rules to trigger template messages eg: non-office hours, expired, waiting, etc.

Group Demo
The Wati team delivers a group demo twice a week. Please feel free to attend them if you are looking to integrate WhatsApp/WATI with your own system using APIs and Webhooks.